We believe in the power of our community.
Due to the COVID19 global pandemic, our restaurant and catering community has had to adjust and rethink the way we cater to our community. At this time many of our large events planned for this spring and summer have been postponed or are awaiting our State’s and CDC’s guidelines on what we can and cannot do as it relates to the number of people gathering. Due to these restrictions, Rustic Taps & Catering is focusing more on 50 people and fewer celebrations in neighborhoods, backyards while providing a laid back and comfortable outside ambiance and atmosphere. Due to these financial setbacks, we have launched our Rustic Taps online store! We have brand new merchandise for everyone in the family- by shopping below you can help us continue to support our community while also recouping lost revenue. Your support means the world to us, and we look forward to seeing pictures of you in our RTC apparel!
Make sure to follow us on social media and look for upcoming contests involving our RTC apparel!