So you’re engaged. Congratulations!!! This is one of the most exciting phases of your lifetime! Or maybe you are helping to plan the wedding- in that case, congrats to your loved one. Anyways, we might be biased, but we believe the catering and bar service you choose is a huge piece of what makes the event. Well, of course besides the happy couple and their guests. It might seem easy to select your wedding caterer or bar service…but think again. There are a lot of pieces to consider before hiring one.

Customization options

This is your event, after all, you should be able to make it your own. Many couples have creative and non-traditional ideas they would like to incorporate into their special day, and whoever you hire should be willing to and capable of meeting those desires. Make sure to discuss any ideas you have prior to putting down a deposit. If you are not totally sure of what you want yet, ask the caterer their procedures, deadlines, and willingness to execute your requests on the big day. Many caterers have one process with limited options, and maybe that is better for you! It is just important to have a conversation during your initial inquiries.

Amount of staff per event

This is a big one. You might think that caterers have their processes and know exactly how to staff an event properly- and for the most part, they do. However, there are many companies that do not hire enough staff for the day of the wedding and this can completely change the experience. We have all been to a restaurant that was understaffed and know how negative it can be. You wait way too long for food, and drinks are never served in an appropriate time frame. Standing at a busy bar for drinks that are not staffed enough is even worse. Do you want your guests waiting for drinks for the majority of the celebration… or on the dance floor? We recommended looking for 1 staff member for every 10-20 guests depending on the complexity of the event for a proper experience. 

Dietary requirements/restrictions

We live in a time where people are more health-conscious than ever. Many people have restrictions within their diet, and although you can not cater to everyone at your wedding- it is important to offer a variety of options and alternatives so most of your guests can enjoy the meal. Vegetarian, gluten-free, and dairy-free are some of the most common. Talk to your potential caterers about how they handle and cater to these menu limitations. It will save you a headache in the long run. 

Testimonials, reviews, and photos!

What better way to get an idea of a catering company or mobile bar service’s experience than browsing through past events? We are lucky to have the internet and social media at our fingertips today. We can see photos from others who have hired these companies, read reviews online, and get a feel for their brand and what they do. There is no way to do a true test run of the event, so utilize these resources and weigh them heavily in your decisions!

Pricing and budget

We think this one goes without saying, but of course, budget is an integral part of choosing which company you are going to hire. Save yourself some time and browse their websites for pricing ideas before speaking with the company. Nothing is more disappointing than falling in love with a caterer or bar service and realizing it is way out of your budget. Talk with your future spouse before you start browsing to set a budget in stone, and use that in your research phase. Once you have selected a few choices that seem to fall within your price range, set up a consult phone call and discuss packages, fees, and pricing to make sure they can provide the service you desire in the correct range. 

One last thought we will add that really only applies to this topic in the present time is their protocols and procedures when it comes to COVID-19. We have an entire blog on this topic, but it is important your views and plans align on this issue in 2020 and 2021. We wish you the best of luck in your wedding planning and would love to be considered as your caterer and/or bar service. Inquire here!